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Another monster, this time a male calf delivered from a dystotic cow by CS. There is hydrocephalus and the upper jaw is missing.

Posted by Anjum Andrabi on June 10th, 2007

dead calf with hydrocephalus absence of upper jaw dystokia


monster calf close up


45 Responses to “Another monster, this time a male calf delivered from a dystotic cow by CS. There is hydrocephalus and the upper jaw is missing.”

  1. yoyo Says:

    poor little calf…gosh…only humans are guilty 4 this things…I can`t see any animal in pain…but this is horrible…

  2. Chris Says:

    “only humans are guilty 4 this things” ???

    1st: it is ‘these’ things.
    2nd: Hydrocephalus is a condition which also can affect humans. Also, living beings are born with this condition and the cause of this condition is not in the way humans treat the child or parent. A human cannot be the cause of this condition.

    Please read up before posting such lines.

    (by the way, I’m in no way pro-animal-mistreatment)

  3. Nina Liebert Says:

    Oh no… what happened to the poor little calf?

    Of such conditions I have never heard. This is normal? I mean is this something that happens lots? Or is it rare, like the appearance of sharks in fresh water?

    And humans too get it? I wonder why this is the first time I am hearing of this.

    Does it affect only the face? Does it always look like this? I suppose I should be researching to answer these questions. Answers are appreciated anyway. Thank you.

  4. Nina Liebert Says:

    Dear me… what happened to the poor little calf?

    Is this condition normal? What I mean is, is it common? Or is it rare, like sharks appearing in fresh water? And humans get this too? Well, I suppose that would be the Hydrocephalus that we also get, but… why is its upper jaw missing? I don’t understand… poor calf…

  5. Matthew Maynard Says:

    Dear folks –

    I run a cattle farm in NC and this condition is quite normal. Sometimes we have 10 or 15 a year born with this condition. It is caused by nature.

  6. krystal ramnarine Says:

    ow poor cow humans are responsable for THIS look at this poor criter in SOOOOOOOOOO much INTENSE pain =(

  7. Anjelica Says:

    Its the unthoughtfull, heartless owners that do this. ITS A LIVING CREATURE FOR GODS SAKE. I would adopt it any day.

  8. Mike Says:

    HA! It looks so retarded. Oh *cough cough* I’m sorry for your misfortune.

  9. Paul R Wilson Says:

    You think THIS is weird. Sometimes a lump of cystic tissue, covered with fur (a hairy football) is found attached to the placenta. It’s a twin that became blighted, its tissues disorganizing and degenerating. No limbs, brain, bones…just cysts and scrambled tissues. The cause is the absense of a heart, and the lump coming to rely on its normal twin to pump its blood for it. Being 2nd-hand & poorly oxygenated in blood supply, this -thing- ceases development and becomes a blob!

  10. sam Says:


  11. ell Says:

    @ Angelica

    “Its the unthoughtfull, heartless owners that do this. ITS A LIVING CREATURE FOR GODS SAKE. I would adopt it any day.”

    don’t be melodramatic. its just a birth defect. these things are awful, but natural.

  12. Lenette Says:

    Before people are putting that this is the result of humans please go and read up on this condition. It has nothing to do with humans but is a natural, genetic deface that can and does happen to calves.

  13. Sarah D. Says:

    I agree with all the people who commented to read up on this condition before posting that humans are responsible for this condition. I am in veterinary school and can attest that this is NOT caused by people, and this calf was likely born dead or was already dead when this picture was taken. Hydrocephalus is a birth defect, and yes people can get this too.

  14. Sall Says:

    omg that is sooo sad..
    poor calf

  15. J Says:

    Its. A. Cow. Who cares? Also, you people blaming humans for this are grossly misinformed and ignorant. And there is no suffering here – I highly doubt this thing was born alive. If it was I doubt it survived long.

    Angelica, you’d adopt that thing, huh? So you can get on the news on a slow day? Haa..

  16. Shelby Says:

    Neat specimen.

    Matthew Maynard if you are getting 10- 15 hydrocephelus calves each year I would be pursuing some new genetics. They are quite rare in my experience. Of the 120 or so stillborn animals (approx 5% of all births are stillborn or die withing 24 hours) I have worked with 10 or so were lupine related skeletal deformities, 2 were born with out eyes, Two born with out an anus(one without a tail) and one with two heads. Not a single hydrocephelus calf yet. Several dwarf type calves and one with Polydactyly.

    These “Monsters” are a birth defect but the Jaw deformity is probably related to a vitamin/mineral deficinecy, that is not related to hydrocephelus… And yes Humans can get both conditions. If it is present when the baby is born often a shunt will be placed in the head to drain fluid. By the time the child is 5 or 10 the skull will be almost normal but often the child has handicaps. Most are born dead. None of the calves like this would be kept alive. They would be humanely uthenized.

    Paul I have heard of a goat kid(well it would have been) like what you described. It would have been neat to add something like that to my collection..

  17. amanda Says:

    Could any of this be related to growth hormones?

  18. Armand Says:

    Funny how some of the people blaming humans for this cow’s natural birth defects (that have nothing to do with mistreatment) are probably the first in line at the nearest burger joint feasting on slain cattle.

  19. Tony Says:

    Just curious, for all you folks who are so moved by the sight of this poor creature, are you as moved by the thought of 40,000,000+ precious human babies destroyed in the womb of their mother? Are we more compassionate for animals than humans?

  20. farmgirl Says:

    wow, i am amazed that with a world full of knowledge, people can stll be so uninformed… this is a natural condition, yes, happens in humans too, in most mammals, but nature tends to deal with it in her own way, they don’t live long, if at all… been on the ranch (herd is 300+ head) for too many years not to have seen a couple of these but not to the degree matthew states, time for some new bloodlines.. or at least some investigation.. that is too many… birth defects happen, we as tenders can only provide the best possible feed and health care to our animals.. farming is not an easy task, beasts or grains, is hard thankless work, but is a good and honest living.. and without them, people would starve, most don’t know where there food comes from, just from the store… very sad..

  21. churchill Says:

    yall are a bunch of retards
    with this “humans and owners are responsible”
    haha ****
    that’s life, s**t happens
    that’s how they’re freakin born
    how in the hell would humans be able to do something like THAT!?!
    goodness….it’s part of life…deal with it
    and quit trying to point fingers,
    ugh people like yall make me sick

  22. Cheri Says:

    It’s all humans fault? Wow…. How exactly does that work? I seriously want to know, unless some guy is walking around punching cows in the uterus while they’re pregnant or giving them weird hormones there is absolutely NO way it’s man’s fault.

  23. Nichole Says:

    wow im amazed at some of the i****s that posted to this, first off its not hard to do a google search of Hydrocephalus and learn more about it, hell 1 in 500 birth ion humans result in some form of hydrocephalus! its not the farmers fault it is just a very comman birth defect and there are over disorders that have hydrocephalus asso. with it. and its not just a birth defect, you could fall down tomorrow and damage the ventricals in your brain and boom you have acuired hydrocephalus.. i mean damn, your already waisting this much time online just go google it and learn something

  24. bob Says:

    Don’t tell the French about this – they will be wanting to mass produce them for brain pate

  25. xoxo Says:

    grow up you people. this is nature, period!

  26. xoxo Says:

    also the people say that it is human’s fault then you should jump off a cliff and feel guilty too cause you are also human.

  27. Ahh Says:

    its looks so scary

  28. socialy incorrect man Says:


  29. Susan Says:

    Just reading some interesting, educational and then some really lame and ignorant comments in here. I just wonder who these bleeding heart idiots are that jump right to the conclusion that this natural birth defect is the result of some inhumane treatment of a cow.
    Though I am very much against factory farming, I do know enough about biology and animal husbandry to know these things happen out on the range where no humans have come into contact with range herds for months. You will see a dead calf carcass every few acres or so..it just happens. The mother cow walks away from it to go eat some more grass. They handle it the way it should be handled. Move on, it’s nature and it happens all the time. We just don’t see pictures of it.

  30. Maxxine Says:

    That’s pretty gross. i’d just kill it, i’m sorry. How is it supposed to function?

    Anyway, thank god someone at least pointed out that there are a lot of retarded comments. Now i don’t have to. You people are freaking idiots.

    Socially incorrect man, you’re not funny. Just obnoxious.

  31. Zak Says:

    looks like my brother…jk. people! this is natural! mother nature is a cruel woman!

  32. tots Says:

    awwww poor thing, thats so sad. i hope it didnt cause him too much pain.

  33. eleryo Says:

    its called a fetal monster. its multiplicity or malformations that are either genetic or induced by toxins or viral agents acting early in gestation in utero. its already dead. do you think they trained a calf to lay down or what???????????????

  34. mccp420 Says:

    i would have to agree that tis looks worse then it realy is it is a borth defect and people can get this and every anaimleon this planit can also do this and yes tis is the most horble thing in life but if you didn’t see it you would not have caredbut even so pleple have experenced this wit there own childern wit simess twins and more so if you are up set with this donate to your locale farm to help the recerch thing like to try to stop all this
    and that what i think i feel bad but i feel werse that people bi***h about thng but dont whant to do any thing about it. so shut up

  35. Dr. Mehraj Says:

    nice pictures..at least our kashmiri vets get to learn some thing..even i want to post some of my material on your website..and i promise it will greatly help kashmiri vets

  36. Chillout Says:

    it’s not people’s fault. it just happens. that’s like blaming your babysitter for a child with lupus…:/
    Read before making assumptions guys :3

  37. ghgh Says:


  38. shut up already Says:

    Ok, first of all, this COULD be caused by humans, yes, regardless how natural of a condition it can be otherwise. Not only humans can (and do) play with genes, but vitamin/mineral deficiencies can be related to whoever should take care of these animals.

    # Armand Says: Funny how some of the people blaming humans for this cow’s natural birth defects (that have nothing to do with mistreatment) are probably the first in line at the nearest burger joint feasting on slain cattle. –> Not me, you can be sure about that. Nor will you find me feasting on any other living creature. Well, not until I find where to get human meat.

    # Tony Says:Just curious, for all you folks who are so moved by the sight of this poor creature, are you as moved by the thought of 40,000,000+ precious human babies destroyed in the womb of their mother? Are we more compassionate for animals than humans? –> ABSOLUTELY. I reckon those human babies shouldn’t be destroyed perhaps: they would make a delicious tender snack.

    # Cheri Says:It’s all humans fault? Wow…. How exactly does that work? I seriously want to know, unless some guy is walking around punching cows in the uterus while they’re pregnant or giving them weird hormones there is absolutely NO way it’s man’s fault. –> In that case, IT IS man’s fault. Talk about misinformation…

    Alas, you people are basically ignorant pricks, if you excuse my language

  39. You people are ignorant Says:

    It happened naturally, nothing could have been done for it. It’s a gene deformity a mutation. It happens sometimes, in animals and humans to and most of the time nothing can be done to save them. It’s unfortunate, but whatever.

  40. teh_bot Says:

    “# J Says:
    March 29th, 2009 at 3:59 am

    Its. A. Cow. Who cares? Also, you people blaming humans for this are grossly misinformed and ignorant. And there is no suffering here – I highly doubt this thing was born alive. If it was I doubt it survived long.

    Angelica, you’d adopt that thing, huh? So you can get on the news on a slow day? Haa..”

    “Its. A. Cow. Who cares?”

    Well, I do and there are many people who cares as well…….

  41. teh_bot Says:

    # ghgh Says:
    May 10th, 2010 at 10:33 pm


    OMG,You having cancer is SOOOOOOO FUNNY!

  42. Rubber Johnny Says:

    It’s not a pleasant thing to happen to a human or animal but no one is to blame it’s a natural birth defect. However, it appears that some (not all) animal rights activists may have been born with congenital lack of IQ!!!!!

  43. Amanda Says:

    I AM APPALLED BY YOUR COMMENTS! “Monster” is used in the title….well, my daughter was born with hydrocephalus. And SHE IS NOT A MONSTER.

    I was googling pictures for hydrocephalus for my blog and came across this. I cried at the comments you heartless and clueless people post. You are disgusting and you should be ashamed at yourselves. I don’t even know where to begin as I am so pissed off.

    I have made a promised to bring awareness to hydrocephalus and while you people sit here and make fun of an innocent and helpless animal, I will be bringing awareness and raising funds to find a cure for this INCURABLE disease that affects OVER 1 MILLION AMERICANS.

    And I will also kiss my “monster” daughter every night as she goes to sleep and we say our prayers for how thankful we are. My God help you learn to understand what aweful things you have said and to teach you to be compassionate to others that may not “look” like you.

  44. Concerned Says:

    It’s really sad that this happens, yeah, and did any one notice? The boneheads that were posting about it being peoples fault have shut up!

    Amanda, I’m really sorry about your daughter, she’ll always be a beautiful girl. I hope the whole world takes the time to find out who she is on the inside.

  45. Paula Says:

    This can happen to humans but their life expectancy will be short.

    It is too much to see this kind of monstrosity to this calf, but even more if this happen to my love ones.

    I heard many news about getting hydrocephalus to babies in our country. But having that disorder together with a missing maxilla is very rare. God is gracious he will never allow anything that we cannot resist.

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